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      As its name implies, a semicircle is constructed much like a circle. Since it is only half of a circle, however, it cannot be worked in rounds. (Well, not if you want it to look like this...)

      In order to make a semicircle, you must make three evenly spaced increases each row (as opposed to a full circle's six increases). Begin by chaining two; make three single crochet in the second chain from the hook. Chain one, turn. On the next row, *single crochet in the next stitch, make two single crochet in the next stitch, and repeat from * across. On each following row, increase the number of single crochet before each increase by one (increasing the total number of stitches by 3 each row). Just to be sure we underderstand, the directions for the next row would be as follows: Chain one, turn. *Single crochet 2, single crochet increase. Repeat from * two more times (12 sc). Got it? Now you can make one as large as you like!

      The semicircle is a very versatile design element. It could be turned into a softer shawl than the too-often-seen triangle, or made into a rainbow, teddy bear ears, flower petals - I could even envision this shape as the basis for a very cool wrap skirt. Be creative, combine it with other shapes or try making it up with pattern stitches. The sky's the limit!

      To see a design created using mitered squares and semicircles, go check out the Pieces of My Heart Pillow at Crochetme!

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